My Tea Experiment
One thing I thought I truly enjoyed was my cup of tea. However I discovered that it was not about enjoyment; the cup of tea had become a need! That was when it became a problem because I felt uneasy when it was not available. A few days ago I decided to quit it. As expected, I got a terrible headache and it made me wonder why I was daily putting a substance into my body whose lack could create an effect of this magnitude? Thereafter, whenever the urge for tea would arise, I would breathe, relax, stay present to the urge till it passed. So, as a rule whenever I was needy of the tea, I would never reach out for it. But when I was sure that I could do without it but was choosing to enjoy it nonetheless I would have half a cup. This opened up a Pandora’s box! I saw how many needs were controlling my life: need for a fixed routine, need for A person’s attention or need for B person’s goodwill. I did the same; whenever any of these needs arose, I breathed, softened, and let it pass through r...