
Showing posts from July, 2024

My Tea Experiment

One thing I thought I truly enjoyed was my cup of tea. However I discovered that it was not about enjoyment; the cup of tea had become a need! That was when it became a problem because I felt uneasy when it was not available. A few days ago I decided to quit it. As expected, I got a terrible headache and it made me wonder why I was daily putting a substance into my body whose lack could create an effect of this magnitude? Thereafter, whenever the urge for tea would arise, I would breathe, relax, stay present to the urge till it passed. So, as a rule whenever I was needy of the tea, I would never reach out for it. But when I was sure that I could do without it but was choosing to enjoy it nonetheless I would have half a cup. This opened up a Pandora’s box! I saw how many needs were controlling my life: need for a fixed routine, need for A person’s attention or need for B person’s goodwill. I did the same; whenever any of these needs arose, I breathed, softened, and let it pass through r

Let Go and Call Her

When you dig and dig some more to find out why something bothers you so much, it hurts. When you discover, or at least you think you have discovered, the real reason why something bothers you so much, it hurts. When you figure out that the real reason why something bothers you so much has to do with your egoistic preference, it hurts. When you understand that your egoistic preference is nothing but your unwillingness to accept what is happening in the present, it hurts. When you accept that you are unwilling to accept the present moment because you fail to surrender to the deeper wisdom that is guiding your life’s journey through all the veils of ignorance, it hurts. When you realize that you are unable to surrender to the deeper wisdom because you lack faith and trust in the Divine’s Plan for you, it hurts. It hurts because you now see clearly the working of the ego which kept you deluded as to how much faith and trust you had in the Divine and Its Working. It hurts because this is no

Mother and the Law of Attraction

The ‘Law of attraction’ has become quite popular these days. However, it has ancient roots as far back as the time of Buddha when he said, ‘All that we are is a result of what we have thought.’ This is the general idea of the law of attraction, i.e. our thoughts create our reality. It is believed to be a universal law by which ‘like always attracts like.’ So, for example, the more you focus on health and prosperity, the healthier and more prosperous you become. And similarly, the more you focus on sickness, negativity, and poverty, the more sick, unhealthy and poor you become. This idea of the power of thought started getting recognition in Europe and America in the 1800s with authors such as Blavatsky, Troward, Atkinson and others such as Coue ́ who taught autosuggestion of positive thinking to improve one’s health. It became further noticed in the 1980s with Esther Hicks and recently, with the movie ‘The Secret’ in 2006, the law of attraction has become an even more widespread idea i

Four Gates towards Virtuous Life

It has been my realisation that most of us are driven by habits (autonomous led by past impressions in subliminal self of perceptions and feelings) and wired for distraction due to cluttering Mind, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate and meditate. That’s why, when I began meditating in morning hours, I used to get distracted by multiple thoughts. This could also be due to the fact that the centre of Energy shifted to objects (Matter) at lower energy centres below ANAHAT (Heart) chakra which is so in the present  KAL(I) YUG (machine age)   with  I (Ego)  playing a dominant role in making choices which influence our Life decisions. Until we dwell at surface consciousness level driven by  Outer Inner approach , the sensory faculties have a natural attraction to objective world. This is evident by the attachments we tend to have with our gadgets such as cell-phones and also other conveniences such as cars, house and other possessions which only give sensory gratification. Taking