Four Gates towards Virtuous Life

It has been my realisation that most of us are driven by habits (autonomous led by past impressions in subliminal self of perceptions and feelings) and wired for distraction due to cluttering Mind, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate and meditate. That’s why, when I began meditating in morning hours, I used to get distracted by multiple thoughts. This could also be due to the fact that the centre of Energy shifted to objects (Matter) at lower energy centres below ANAHAT (Heart) chakra which is so in the present KAL(I) YUG (machine age) with I (Ego) playing a dominant role in making choices which influence our Life decisions. Until we dwell at surface consciousness level driven by Outer Inner approach, the sensory faculties have a natural attraction to objective world. This is evident by the attachments we tend to have with our gadgets such as cell-phones and also other conveniences such as cars, house and other possessions which only give sensory gratification.

Taking a cue from The Mother’s talks and her messages, I started my journey for self-awakening in a 3-step process starting with Aspiration (connecting with central Psychic self), Rejection of sensory stimuli finally leading to Surrender (consecration to Divine energy).

I have found Shanti (Peace), Santosh (Satisfaction), Satsang (company of virtuous people) and Vichaar (Positive Thoughts) as four Gates to Virtuous Life.

The Journey begins with pursuit for Shanti, which is an exploratory process and one chooses a preferred path, possible options being:

  1. Spending time with Nature with observant look to have a feel of the Flow and balance in practice
  2. Reading scriptures
  3. Developing an inward-looking mindset to develop the Intuitive faculty using consciousness-based approach. (There is a reference of The Mother who had strong emotional and psychic connect with Nature – flowers, trees and animals, and she had given spiritual meaning of Flowers.)

Satsang has been proven to be an effective means in the cleansing process. Concept of webinars conducted by the Ashram and Society centres and devotees and visits to the Ashram for face-to-face connect with devotees and group events do serve the purpose.

Vichaar (positive thoughts) automatically develops as we tread on the path of Shanti and Satsang as this brings Santosh in inward awareness of self at Mental, Vital and Physical levels of consciousness fuelled by the central source – the Psychic self.

With the above approach and regular practice, I feel a marked improvement in my daily life with a calmer approach to handling issues at personal and social front.

                                                                                                                   - Pranav Srivastava (India)


  1. प्रणव जी, आपकी चतुर्विध साधना पुरुषार्थ का अभिन्न अंग है जॊ पूर्ण स्वरूप में एक बहुविध साधना है। मेरी शुभामनायें !


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