Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution … Journey of a Spiritual Seeker
Recently I attended a webinar on “Progress in Integral Yoga” and one of the sessions was on “Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution” as one of the aspects to ascertain one’s progress as a practitioner of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga. One of the important messages by Sri Aurobindo on Integral Yoga is “All Life is Yoga” and this was a popular message during Sri Aurobindo’s birth centenary year in 1972 and has been a popular key phrase.
During my experience as a seeker for the past few years, I have found this resonating with my experiential journey reflecting on changes observed in my physical, vital and mental levels – in my daily actions, behaviors, response to external stimuli and choices made.
All of us are on an evolutionary journey but responses of most of us are driven by past impressions, perceptions driven by subliminal consciousness; and evolution is not conscious but rather in an autonomous mode unconsciously like a paper boat on river driven by turbulence and waves at surface level. Metaphor is of the journey of a caterpillar to butterfly as transformational process – from Victim consciousness to Divinity in consciousness, in the from of Sat Chit Anand, by triple transformation at Physical, Vital and Mental, by three-pronged approach of Aspiration, Rejection and Surrender. Aspiration as fuel / fire to connect with psychic self, rejection of external impulses of subliminal consciousness at vital level and finally surrender to The Divine Mother for anchorage and to have the blissful experience of her Grace.
The process of transformation is slow and requires Sincerity, Perseverance and Daily Practices to establish continued connect with Divine Grace. Using Witness consciousness approach helps in unattached connect during interactions in objective world in personal and professional arenas of our life.
Conscious evolution of consciousness leads to Spiritual revolution, cellular level living in abiding presence of Sat Chit Anand. The key message in the talk was the possibility of Spiritual revolution in consciousness as we advance using Integral Yogic practices of Triple transformation with conscious evolution.
We have good reference of seekers in the Ashram – Pavitra da, Nirodbaran, Champaklal ji – to name a few, who were living examples of accomplished seekers who experienced spiritual revolution using conscious evolution and are guiding lights in the journey.
- Pranav Srivastava (India)
We have other living examples of "All life is Yoga" across life, we have four Ashramas to fulfill Integral Yoga paradigms in our whole life span, the Sages therefore said - जीवेम शरदः शतम्।