The Mode of Transport through Eternity

An unseen hand moves all creation, allowing each becoming the illusion of moving itself. The unseen ship of grace carries this ‘I’ through the sea of existence. This ‘I’’s limited vision sees this carrier ship as an ocean it needs to battle in order to reach the shore. 

The limbs ache with fatigue from the effort. It is similar to the effort of the Vrijvasis to uplift Mount Govardhan to keep themselves sheltered from the rain while Sri Krishna’s little finger held the mountain anyway. The effort  is summoned and orchestrated by the veiled prompter and the fatigue too is a part of the great plan leading to the eternal repose. 

The repose that comes when the ‘unseen’ hand begins to be seen. The heart-mind releases effort, releases doing and simply falls into that hand; into the quenching peace of being moved without self effort. The being comes home to the knowing that this alone has been its mode of transport through all eternity.

- Anahita Sanjana (India)


  1. The last sentence is so beautiful! Such deep truth!

  2. Replies
    1. Welcome ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿชท


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