The Leap of Faith

The leap of faith is a movement of consciousness that sees through appearances, that overwhelm or threaten, to the occult hands of love that are weaving these appearances. When those hands are seen, the fabric woven by them becomes a tenuous phantom.

‘The leap of faith’ is about landing firmly in the knowing that no person or personal will is the source of the perceived ill-will or threat. That the impersonal whole is constantly precipitating into the appearance of a person to fulfill, through the agency of the perceived ill-will, its eternal unchanging supreme goodwill!

The term “Sararambh Parityag” (sacrifice all initiations), from the Gita, is to arrest the initiation of reaction to the appearance, to seize from locking horns with circumstances which are destined to be.

Yet it is not a stoical resigned ceasefire on life. It is a surrender to a love, glimpsed secretly orchestrating the perception of being attacked only to liberate to set free.

- Anahita Sanjana (India)


  1. An inspiring and reflection-provoking blog.
    Perceived ill-will is a mirror calling for self-work. Actual ill-will is a perverse manifestation of the Divine, which also calls for self-work.
    If a threat evokes fear, it means faith is lacking somewhere.

  2. Thank you for the insightful distinction between perceived and actual I'll will. The solace is that there is an ultimate Divine control over both.
    Anahita Sanjana

  3. A beautiful way to express the deeper forces and movements that initiate and govern human circumstances and events. Thank you for sharing Sanjana

  4. In our ordinary, ignorant world, ill-will is not possible to avoid. Either it comes from close associations/relations or people who deliberately want to cause harm. Either ways, if we turn to the Mother and ask for her protection, it is more than enough for the ill-will to disappear or change into something that helps us improve spiritually. The leap of faith could be a sincere surrender and faith in the Mother's presence and power in all circumstances.


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