A Fresh Look at PFT Syndrome in Life Journey

PFT (Perception, Feeling and Thought) are main drivers of our response to external stimuli / situations while relating in the objective world. Perceptions relate at sensory level of surface consciousness whereas Feelings and Thoughts are related to subconscious level by way of memories and impressions we carry during our life experiences.

As I treaded on my life journey from childhood to adulthood and then towards senior citizenship, I could notice changes in my responses / reactions based on impact of PFT. It so happened that Perceptions played a major role earlier… there had been a period when I was quick to react and carry pent-up emotions causing stress and strain at physical and mental level. This also was partly due to the lifestyle I had in early 30s till mid 40s when my routine was to get up late in the morning, diet comprising of spicy food and egocentric life with attachment to role and positional power. My limited connect with spiritual organizations, namely Sri Aurobindo ashram / society and Chinmay mission and ISKCON, by visits to the collective discourses and morning rituals, did have a soothing effect for some period of day time but it was not sustainable, leading me to fall in the grip of daily routine which had its part of meeting challenges in professional and personal life.

A conscious decision to devote time to self-reflection and introspection some 15 years back, during my early morning walks, made me realize the need for having a fresh look at my PFT syndrome with a greater focus on “Thoughts and Feelings” with inside-outside approach in place of outside-inside approach while responding to external stimuli and situations, with the aim to reduce chatter in the mind. Meditative practices and chanting of mantra did help in improving self-concentration and moving towards a calmer mind. I also consciously changed by food habits with larger intake of fruits and vegetables and controlled spices, based on tips from the food I had in the dining hall of Sri Aurobindo ashram, Pondicherry, during my short trips. 

Today, I look back with satisfaction and a feeling of happiness at the improvement I witnessed in my daily life by continued focus on thoughts and feelings, which in turn changed by perceptions and responses to external stimuli. I can say this could be possible by using principles of Integral Yoga in improved harmonization at Physical, Vital and Mental levels by a conscious Psychic and Spiritual connect.

- Pranav Srivastava (India)


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