The Bronze Bust of Sri Aurobindo at Baroda

My father's uncle Kantilal A. Dave was a student of Sri Aurobindo at Baroda (he is seen standing near the right shoulder of Sri Aurobindo in the photograph with 8 students).

I used to visit Sri Aurobindo Nivas (Baroda) since 1967, prior to it was given to Sri Aurobindo society. That was a government bungalow and I being a government servant had to visit that sacred building of whose history I was unaware of!

I started visiting regularly after reading few articles and subsequently became Youth Co-ordinator and then in 2003 Secretary of Baroda branch (till 2013). I was also a core group member of the Sri Aurobindo Society at Puducherry.

It was decided to install a bronze  bust of Sri Aurobindo at the prominent VIP road at Baroda on 15th August 2004. Dr. Karan Singh ji was the chief guest. We decided that a 30” bronze bust be prepared by the “Bronze woman of India” Smt. Jasu behan Shilpi from Amdavaad.

She quoted the price as Rs.130,000/- when I went to her studio. I conveyed it to my chairman, Mr. Mankad. He agreed but said it is costly for us. After 15 days we went to examine the mould  prepared of plaster of paris. At the first sight my inner being signaled ‘No’ looking at too tiny a size for the august personality of Sri Arobindo. I proposed for a bigger size of 45”. The artist said it would cost Rs.240,000/-. Without consulting my chairman I ordered to go for 45”. I reported to the chairman afterwards. He questioned, “From where shall we get this much money?” I said, “The Mother will take care but we have to go for the bigger bust on the prominent road.”

Ultimately the desired bronze bust arrived at Baroda. A week before the installation ceremony, one of our elderly trustee passed away. I went to his home after 3 days to extend an invitation card. His wife, aged around 85 years, was quite calm and composed. After putting the card as I was silently leaving her home, the old pious lady stopped me and told me to take a cheque of Rs.240,000/-. I became a statue!! Tears came out. The thing which was worrying all through the weeks for my over-commitment was solved in one unexpected boon. Only KRUPA.

Today that august bust is shining on VIP road and guiding the traffic. No accident since 2004!

Parashar Dwivedi (India)


Read ‘Alaukik Anukampa’ – the original (full version) in Gujarati, as published in ‘Nagar Manjusha’ (Feb 2024 issue).


  1. I have visited Sri Aurobindo Niwas few times .. each time I can feel vibes of Sri Aurobindo's presence in the environment ...nicely maintained premises with plush greenery and meditation where relics are enshrined ...Place worth visiting in heart of Baroda ...Bronze bust of Sri Aurobindo is key place of attraction for commoners travelling on VIP road ....Pranav Srivastava

  2. Amazing experience, thanks for sharing 🙏


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