Spiritual Fellowship (SATSANG) as a Vibrant mode of Self-Rejuvenation

Spiritual Fellowship by joining a group of like-minded people in my experience has proved to be rich platform to share, reflect and listen to challenges and also realization during spiritual journey. This concept is akin to professionals who wish to be active contributors in their professional field by taking membership of professional institutions at national and global level. I have had rich experience by being a member of spiritual organizations namely, Sri Aurobindo Society, ISKCON and Chinmay Mission. This has been rich heritage as it facilitates face-to-face discussions between speaker / expert and audience who come to attend these sessions. Satsang has proved to be a good way to develop Sadbhddhi finally leading to Sadgati (salvation) as it supplements reading and contemplation on scriptures and helps imbibe good aspects in self-realization.

Virtual platforms activated during COVID period such as webinars have come to stay as regular forums to listen to renowned spiritual leaders and also reflect upon their preachings in groups of attendees. Webinars conducted by NAMAH are one living example.

Opening of centers across the country and abroad as extended arms of Sri Aurobindo ashram wherein devotees in different locations gather in the form of study circles at monthly intervals, initiated by The Mother, has proved to be an excellent way to build a larger community contributing to self-improvement on spiritual Journey.

Darshan days on dates of significance during the spiritual journey of The Mother, Sri Aurobindo and other spiritual leaders have made a large impact due to the collective impact of group consciousness of the community joining these events which has a very positive impact on the natural surroundings.

My experience of gathering of devotees in ISKCON temples and practice of Sankirtan (group Aarti) is of its rejuvenating effect and this could be one reason for global acceptance of devotes across the globe, in different parts of the world.

Magazines published and shared with members help us connect actively and vibrantly. I have found All India Magazine (AIM) really good as it helps to access collected portions of thoughts and talks given by The Mother and Sri Aurobindo on a wide spectrum of subjects.

- Pranav Srivastava (India)


  1. What is Satsanga? It is simply a conscious company with Existence, literally speaking. And what is Existence? Nothing else but Presence of Supreme Reality. There is a growing experience in every conscious being as s/he aspires to be in company with the Existent, either by reading books (Scriptures) like the Vedas, Upanishads and the Bhagavadgita, or listening to the Enlightened Persons who know the Truth, who can allow the Truth to enter the soul of listeners. Similarly, it may be, not always, things like what Pranav=ji mentions if they carry the Force of Truth.


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