The Call of the Divine Flute
An individual is living out his life, following his career, pursuing education, enjoying himself, raising a family, pursuing a hobby. All quite normal things. For most people, this is the frame within which his life carries on, and he experiences the joys and sorrows, the pains and the pleasures, the victories and the defeats that life doles out to him. Some individuals, however, find that this normal trajectory is disrupted through some unexpected turn. In some cases these things creep up slowly and the individual experiences a nagging sense of dissatisfaction or longing, or simply feels that this cannot be all, this cannot be the entirety and the meaning and purpose of life. He seeks for answers, he tunes his hearing to the sound of the divine flute and its call to him, urging him to look further, to go deeper, to seek for the answers he somehow knows are out there, waiting for him. For others, the shift of focus comes with some sudden event or circumstance. Saul on the road to Damas...