The Place of Music in our Spiritual Practice
My earlier blog post described how I use music in the light of Mother’s guidance of educating the vital being by training the senses . This blog post will be more about Mother’s views on music and its spiritual effect in our life. Whether you are a practicing musician or only listen to music, music can be relevant to your spiritual practice. As Mother says, “Music too is an essentially spiritual art and has always been associated with religious feeling and an inner life.” [1] Sri Aurobindo expresses the same idea when he says, “Music and art and poetry have striven from the beginning to express the vision of the deepest and greatest things and not the things of the surface only, and it will be so as long as there are poetry and art and music.” [2] And thus the time we spend with music can be used to enrich our consciousness and help in our self-development. And for Mother, this is the main purpose of music: “The role of music lies in helping the consciousness to uplift itself t...