
The Being is a field for the play of two simultaneous essences: the essence of “I want” typical to the ego sense and “I want to give” typical to another sense that hums silently in the background. The ego is a perpetual hunger stemming from incompleteness, seeking completeness through an incessant devouring; “I want praise, I want health, I want love…”. The hushed background voice of the Eternal Self on the other hand dwells in a state of unconditional fullness [santosh]. Free from hunger it never lacks and so its natural state is to give.

When I align myself with the “I want” syndrome, I align myself with the ego which finds strength through the alignment. When I align myself with Self-giving, which is the substance of the Self, the latter is brought to the forefront. Self-giving is instinctive to the heart. Yet the receiver of the offering is often nebulous, formless, faceless. Without really knowing what the being offers itself to, the offering is made. Then a very subtle but clear difference becomes visible between “Wanting peace” and “Giving myself to Peace”; between “Wanting love” and “Giving myself to love”.

- Anahita Sanjana (India)

Keywords: Ego, Inner self, Eternal Self, Unconditionality, Spiritual practice, Offering


  1. Anahita, what a simple way of putting forward the difference between wanting to take and an inner movement of unconditional giving of oneself. So true to what one experiences. I love what you write about the being offering without really knowing what it offers itself to. There are times when one offers clearly to the Divine, feels that Presence and contact; and there are times when the being is just filled with the spontaneous movement and sensation of self-offering and there is such a completeness... Thanks for this sharing.

  2. Simple nicely explained narrative on difference between Ego self and inner psychic self ...incidentally we begin our Life Journey with activation of consciousness and get trapped with Egocentric desires as we reach age of 3-4 years as we sensory self dominates .. challenge becomes to remain at unattched to objective worldly desires takes Spiritual practice to strengthen Spiritual Quotient ..There Aspiration and Offering to The Mother helps ...

  3. Anahita, I am so happy to read this. Subtly beautiful! Keep writing. —pradeep

  4. Beautifully written. I liked the way you have explained the “I - ness Syndrome” and showed us the evolution of ego in the light of expansion of consciousness. There is a sense of addiction in the “giving” attitude. It is hard to part with it once the mind is ready to give back. You might have experienced this feeling.
    - Abhishek Ghosh

  5. Rumjhum Bhattacharya23 March 2023 at 21:31

    So simple an explanation yet so deep in meaning. Really touched the heart.

  6. Giving from the inner self - a reminder to give selflessly. The ego has some many other reasons to give. A nice and crisp blog bringing awareness to this. Thank you.


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