Silence – The Doorway to the Divine

Silence – a state of being in quietude, calmness or stillness in solitude. This silence has two manifestations, one at the superficial level and the second at the level of the inner self.

Let’s see a few instances of the state of silence at the superficial level. A man in total confusion in life, things not happening as per his wishes, is depressed and dejected, sits in silence. His mind is filled with negative thoughts of losing everything in life. A student in exam hall, upon seeing the question paper goes blank, feels he has forgotten everything, he is going to fail in exam and sits in total silence!! This is the silence at the level of the intellect. A person having problems at the job front, on the verge of losing or not getting promoted is downhearted and a fear grips his emotions as to how he will run his family. A still silence engulfs him. Bereavement of close family or friend or rift in family ties leading to separation and divorce is an important cause leading a man to utter silence. Again, this silence is at the level of the body and the emotions!! These are all negative occasions resulting in the silence.

Silence at the beginning of anything is a way to concentrate and seed an aspiration and it is clearly a positive manifestation at the level of the intellect. A child sleeping peacefully in the mother’s lap is an example of silence of the body and emotions. A man is in a state of emotional silence when he is gazing at the beautiful dew drop on a leaf, a cute little bird pecking at nectar or a puppy or kitten playing or he is strolling by the mountain-side or a deep forest or a beach along a vast and serene sea experiences the majesty of the beholder. These examples are positive instances of silence.

These states of both negative and positive silence in ordinary parlance are the “Superficial Silence” at the level of the body, emotions and the intellect.

Let’s now try to see the silence at the level of inner self or psychic silence. The inner self or the psychic is direct and in touch with the Divine. But in ordinary body, emotions and intellect Meditation in a silent place away from daily hustles and praying to the Divine is only a first step to control the emotions, intellect and body from daily hustles. By a regular and continued effort of meditation in quietude and solitude one enters into the silence of the inner self and this is a Doorway to the Divine!!

- Dr. Sudevi Basu (India)

Keywords: Silence, Quietude, Stillness, Calm


  1. Nice explanation of silence at different level .. Mind , Intellect and then at Psychic .. Very useful for us to introspect our own life experience

  2. Beautiful flow of words.

  3. The “ silence “ from negative and positive angles have been explained very nicely which could be easily understood.

  4. Hello Sudevi mam, Purnimaa here, Wow, beautifully explained the negative silence, positive silence, psychic silence๐Ÿ˜‡ a simple explanations yet deep thoughts. It's very thought provoking ,๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‡

    1. Thanks very much Ma'am for your thoughts


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