Tuning in Effortlessly to Inner Peace and Happiness

Since I first read the Mother's writings on education in 1976, I have always enjoyed setting myself the same challenge She set for Herself in those writings:

"In these articles I am trying to put into ordinary terms the whole yogic terminology, for these Bulletins are meant more for people who lead an ordinary life, though also for students of yoga — I mean people who are primarily interested in a purely physical material life but who try to attain more perfection in their physical life than is usual in ordinary conditions. It is a very difficult task but it is a kind of yoga. These people call themselves “materialists” and they are apt to get agitated or irritated if yogic terms are used, so one must speak their language avoiding terms likely to shock them.

But I have known in my life persons who called themselves “materialists” and yet followed a much severer discipline than those who claim to do yoga. 

What we want is that humanity should progress; whether it professes to lead a yogic life or not matters little, provided it makes the necessary effort for progress."

Inspired by these words of the Mother, I’ve have always aspired to be able to write about the Integral Yoga without mentioning either the Integral Yoga or Mother and Sri Aurobindo, using language that is accessible to all, and in a way that conveys the ideas simply enough to be understood by a young teenager of average intelligence.

This is the first in a series of posts I'll be writing drawing upon my decades-long exploration of this kind of writing. Here's a start:

* * * * *

… Have you ever noticed times during the day when suddenly, you’re moved to pause in the midst of whatever you’re doing... maybe as you're rushing to work, or drinking your morning coffee, or speaking with a dear friend whose going through a tough time

. . .  and in that pause a sense of calm, ease, and gratitude comes over you.

… Your mind may be unusually calm, your heart unusually open, and perhaps there’s a sense of loving connection to the people, and world around you

… when you are speaking to that troubled friend, somehow – you hardly know how – just the right, necessary helpful words come out of your mouth…

… As you’re rushing to get ready for work, a sudden calmness comes over you… the dressing and preparation and driving all seem to occur without effort (or at least, with less effort than usual)…

… You feel more energy than usual, but it is both a peaceful and a strong energy…

… As this feeling envelopes you, you may find your attention naturally widening, deepening, as if there were a deep source of strength inside of you, perhaps you feel it almost physically, in your chest or abdomen...

… And for much of the day, your walking, writing, typing, speaking, even your thinking happen more or less spontaneously, and you find yourself surprised that, even though there may be a lot riding on the outcome of that project, that conversation, that practice session, you feel strangely at ease, without worrying about whether your efforts lead to success or failure...

… You may even notice this growing calmness, this deepening peace, seems to ripen almost into a kind of profound silence, stillness, surrounding you, embracing you...

… And the air around you somehow - it seems so strange to your mind which may be spinning a bit trying to figure this all out (don't try!) - is alive, energized, and you may wonder – "How can there be this all-encompassing stillness at the same time as this aliveness, this dynamic sense of energy around me...?"

… Imagine what it would be like if there was something that could be done to put yourself in tune with that state more often, so it didn't just happen haphazardly from time to time, so that you could be more frequently "in the zone" or "in tune" with this quite delightful, effortless "flow"...

* * * * *

Dear reader, would you like to add anything? Can you tell at all which aspects of the Yoga I'm referring to – Self, psychic being, various planes and parts of the being… Suggestions, comments, criticisms?

- Don Salmon, USA

Keywords: Peace, Happiness, Integral Yoga


  1. Hi folks - I'm quite serious about the questions at the end - please add anything you've found. And, I know this may be challenging - if in any way possible, write it without using ANY words commonly used in the Integral Yoga!

    If you'd like to criticize my suggestion, please do - but (you knew there would be a but!) if you do challenge this, tell me why you think the Mother was wrong when She said Her aim was "to put into ordinary terms the whole yogic terminology" :>)))))

    1. Thank you Don for putting yogic terms in a way that are accessible to all and also asking us to answer without using that terminology. To answer your question about your article, to me, you are referring to the Psychic and the various planes and parts of the being. The effortless ease refers to us being aligned to the forces flowing in and around us without posing any resistance, the mind being open and wide , the heart feeling love, the body feeling receptive and relaxed, us feeling connected to everything around us.
      These small moments of silence, peace, effortlessness, wideness, love and joy etc that seize people without any warning and at certain times, during or after certain activities is what make them keep going back to those activities like maybe morning walk as Pranav mentioned, or chanting , or running, or listening to some music, doing art, cooking, etc.
      And as you mentioned - if we could find a way to make that state permanent and always accessible to us, we wouldn’t have to depend on any outer aid, (sometimes aids which are detrimental to us in the long run ) and life could flow with effortless ease and growth also could be a smooth flow from one level to another.
      I hope I got the sense of what you asked. Thanks. This is Monica Chand.

  2. Pranav Srivastava4 November 2022 at 13:37

    In my journey of exploring self .. I have found morning walks to feel moment of silence and strong connect with supreme power and grace ... also when I am chant Mantra during the my PUJA time in morning and evenings ... dedicated slots work better and also help my interactions during Day time tasks I get engaged as part of my work Life ...may be because I am novice in Spiritual Journey

    1. Thank you, Pranav, for your beautiful sharing. And I'll let you in on a little 'secret' (one that's not so secret!):>))

      We "seasoned' practitioners get engaged (ie distracted, caught up in, attached to, averse to, lost in cravings, etc etc etc) as part our work (and non-work!)lives as well.

      For some years I had assumed if I just make a hard enough, good enough "effort' (and this, despite ALL I knew about surrender), then somehow, magically, surrender would just flow always.

      Gradually, I learned about non effort, trust, receptivity. Beginning with the sense of connection to the Supreme Power and Grace, and the openness to Silence, and the mantra which helps with the connection during Puja - then trusting that that Supreme Power, that She will in Her own time Grace you with more and more remembrance......

      It happens in such a magical way - the key, I've found, is to recognize She does it in Her own way. She may be effortlessly Present for you for days, then She seems to withdraw. If we/I can accept that with as much love and devotion as the periods when She seems "more" Present (seems because she is always 1000% Present), this facilitates the flow of Grace.

      And especially during those periods, if we have developed the Silence to see clearly our inner foibles and nonsense, we can make special use of those times to be extra vigilant to notice, as SrI Aurobindo puts it - the rigidities, opinions, ideas of our mind, the. cravings, fears, impulses of our vital, the inertia and dullness of the body, and open and offer and let go to Her - then we live in such a flow of Grace we no longer need concern ourselves as much with our"progress" and just enjoy the effortless resting in and offering to Her Presence, Her Love, Her Power and Her Light.

  3. (Sorry, it's Don here - didn't realize I wasn't signed in. Just wanted to acknowledge that. Thank you again, Pranav.


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