The Need to Overcome the Tendencies to Self-Deception and Self-Justification in the Nature
There is the aspiration and dedication that the seeker recognises and treats as his true identity. Then there are all the thoughts, motives and actions that undermine or contradict in some manner that aspiration and dedication. Many people fail to recognise that this contradiction exists, as they have a built in mechanism in the mind and the vital to find excuses or to justify it. The vital is especially powerful in its ability to influence the mind and the mind is able to create justifications based on the vital self-interest that is pressuring it. It takes a considerable sincerity, and a considerable effort of self-examination and tracing back of the sources and motive forces of thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions for the seeker to break through this self-justifying loop. Who really can accurately see himself stripped of all these excuses, and recognise that vital desire, ego-aggrandisement, or motives of vanity, pride, fame, greed, lust or some other power is actually the force...