Mystical Metamorphosis
Over the years Yoga for me is no more Asanas, Pranayam or Dhyan; It is evolutionary. A challenge For the human consciousness, Driving away unfounded fears Insecurities, Negativity, Irritability, Lends focus, vibrancy, zest, A new meaning to Life. Rishi Aurobindo's yoga vital and integral; A gradual mystical metamorphosis Of Man's psychic, spiritual, supramental Towards the evolution Of the Supermind and Spirit; The predominant force Guiding Man's Consciousness, To manifest the Divine Light Hidden within, giving birth To the Supramental Being. Rishi Aurobindo says Man is a transitional being, The stage of homo sapiens Only a springboard From man to Superman. Evolution now Not the evolution of ‘matter’, Time has come For the evolution of ‘Consciousness’, The cosmic life force, The universal energy. A foregone conclusion --- Soul's liberation From the incessant Cycle of birth and death, Heralds the sublimation; Synthesis of human existence With the Divine Light Subtly camo...