
The Soft Velvet of Her Palm

The gaze is trapped in a tunnel vision, Flitting haplessly from “This is good”, to “That is bad”,  Till the realm of “Seamless Good” beckons from the Beyond, Inviting the being to release its tiring oscillation from  “I like this” to “I dislike that”, And rest in the knowing that  She alone does all, controls all, salvages all, And that subsuming the subsets of like and dislike  Is the superset of Her omnipresent love. Then comes the much-awaited leap of faith, That lands me in the soft velvet of Her palm. Eons of fatigue release into repose As I sink eternally into its softness, Consenting to be carried by it forever! This soft velvet cushions all existence as well, And every thorn is justified by the rose-to-come. - Anahita Sanjana (India)

Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution … Journey of a Spiritual Seeker

Recently I attended a webinar on “Progress in Integral Yoga” and one of the sessions was on “Conscious Evolution to Spiritual Revolution” as one of the aspects to ascertain one’s progress as a practitioner of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga. One of the important messages by Sri Aurobindo on Integral Yoga is “All Life is Yoga” and this was a popular message during Sri Aurobindo’s birth centenary year in 1972 and has been a popular key phrase. During my experience as a seeker for the past few years, I have found this resonating with my experiential journey reflecting on changes observed in my physical, vital and mental levels – in my daily actions, behaviors, response to external stimuli and choices made.  All of us are on an evolutionary journey but responses of most of us are driven by past impressions, perceptions driven by subliminal consciousness; and evolution is not conscious but rather in an autonomous mode unconsciously like a paper boat on river driven by turbulence and waves...

Are We Ready for a Real Change?

Change is the only constant, it is often said. But nothing in the world is as simple as a cliché. We must dig a bit deeper if we want to get closer to the truth. What kind of change are we talking about? Is it only an outer change? Or only an inner change? Or both? Who or what makes the change possible? Does it happen on its own? Or does someone or something compel or force or push for a change? Is change a natural phenomenon? Or is there another master-plan working behind the surface phenomenon of Nature? What is the outcome of change? Is it always for the better? Can change also be for worse? What distinguishes a good change from the one that is not? Who decides what is a good change and what is not? Who decides what is good, period.  So many questions. How do we begin to search for answers. But sometimes you don’t need to have the answers. Or at least not right away. You just need to keep asking the questions. So that you don’t believe anything just because it is told to you by ...

A Technique to Shift to Another Domain of Consciousness

It is a well-recognised phenomena that when an individual focuses his concentration down to a single point, and fixes it there long enough, he suddenly can shift to a new domain of consciousness, and everything becomes wide, clear and known from that new standpoint. There is a yogic practice called ‘ tratak ’ which has the individual fix his focus on a flame, a candle or some other bright object until he passes out of the external consciousness into that new domain. This can also occur through focus on a mantra, or through concentration of conscious force ( tapasya)  on a single subject. The third chapter of the  Taittiriya Upanishad  has the seeker practicing tapasya in order to realize the truth of existence. He systematically increases his concentration until he transcends the ordinary external viewpoint and reaches a stage of enlightenment. The Mother observes: “One can learn how to identify oneself. One must learn. It is indispensable if one wants to get out of one’s...

The Mode of Transport through Eternity

An unseen hand moves all creation, allowing each becoming the illusion of moving itself. The unseen ship of grace carries this ‘I’ through the sea of existence. This ‘I’’s limited vision sees this carrier ship as an ocean it needs to battle in order to reach the shore.  The limbs ache with fatigue from the effort. It is similar to the effort of the Vrijvasis to uplift Mount Govardhan to keep themselves sheltered from the rain while Sri Krishna’s little finger held the mountain anyway. The effort  is summoned and orchestrated by the veiled prompter and the fatigue too is a part of the great plan leading to the eternal repose.  The repose that comes when the ‘unseen’ hand begins to be seen. The heart-mind releases effort, releases doing and simply falls into that hand; into the quenching peace of being moved without self effort. The being comes home to the knowing that this alone has been its mode of transport through all eternity. - Anahita Sanjana (India)

Mystical Metamorphosis

Over the years Yoga for me is no more Asanas, Pranayam or Dhyan; It is evolutionary. A challenge For the human consciousness, Driving away unfounded fears Insecurities, Negativity, Irritability, Lends focus, vibrancy, zest, A new meaning to Life. Rishi Aurobindo's yoga vital and integral; A gradual mystical metamorphosis Of Man's psychic, spiritual, supramental Towards the evolution Of the Supermind and Spirit; The predominant force Guiding Man's Consciousness, To manifest the Divine Light Hidden within, giving birth To the Supramental Being. Rishi Aurobindo says Man is a transitional being, The stage of homo sapiens Only a springboard From man to Superman. Evolution now Not the evolution of ‘matter’, Time has come For the evolution of ‘Consciousness’, The cosmic life force, The universal energy. A foregone conclusion --- Soul's liberation From the incessant Cycle of birth and death, Heralds the sublimation; Synthesis of human existence With the Divine Light Subtly camo...

Science & Sri Aurobindo

As a student of Science, I am extremely proud about how science has progressed in leaps and bounds since the emergence of scientific revolution (1543 CE). Science has achieved almost everything material and rendered tremendous comfort to mankind. Science is all pervasive, starting from the mechanics of the toothbrush we pick up every morning to the smartphone kept at our desk. Despite the universality of science in all facets of our life today, it leads to several open questions. Is science complete? Can science resolve every problem of the civilization? How can science be fully realized? Can science point to ultimate reality or truth or Sachchidananda? In this blog, we will briefly examine Sri Aurobindo’s scientific outlook. But before that let’s understand how science is limited. Let’s imagine a well blossomed flower - Jaba ( Hibiscus rosa sinesis ). How will a scientist approach this Jaba? First, the flower will be examined carefully to identify its floral family using the power of ...